Getting Started

Axie is Profitable, But How Much Does it Cost to Start?

To start playing Axie Infinity, you will need 3 Axies that can be brought from the "Marketplace". Depending on how much you're willing to spend, you may find your axies to be slightly weaker or stronger.

Entry Cost

Below is a gross estimate of how much money you'll need to spend based on the competitiveness of each team, as well as the average amount of SLP you stand to make.

Based on the table above, it is recommended for players to invest in a "Budget PvP" team instead of a "PvE Only" or "Competitive/Meta" team. This is simply because of the cost to value ratio, taking into consideration the entry cost and amount of SLP earned per day. Nevertheless, there are exceptions for this including, people who may not like to play PvP, and the total opposite; those who wish to play Axie competitively.

Pricier Axies often come with better cards, but a skilled player can overcome such a gap.

Last updated